
Turkey and the Cold War. The “change of method” and the 1970s transition.

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C. Cerami, Turchia e Guerra Fredda. Il "cambio di metodo" e la transizione degli anni Settanta (1973-1980), Mondadori Università, 2019, pp.203, ISBN 9788861846623


In the period between 1973 and 1980, during the years of détente and subsequently the beginning of the “Second Cold War”, Turkish foreign policy went through an important process of transformation. This “change of method” was to have a profound effect on the Turkish approach to international relations over the following decades. When we understand the origins and details of this process better, we can reconsider Turkey’s role in the international scenario of the 1970s. We can also reinterpret a crucial phase of the Cold War from a partially unexplored regional perspective. This book proposes a multi-level narrative analysis of Turkey’s foreign policy choices in the 1970s. The consequences of these choices are still visible today in Turkey’s constant search for a policy of national interest that wavers between belonging to the Western alliance and searching for greater independence. This original historical interpretation on the “change of method” that took place in Turkish foreign policy in the 1970s offers a new outlook on the ambitions and limitations that still condition Turkey today in defining its role in international relations.


Dr. Carola Cerami (Ph.D in International History, University of Milan) is Co-Founder and General Director at the International Center for Contemporary Turkish Studies – ICCT. She is also Adjunct Professor in Public Diplomacy in the Digital Era at the University of Pavia and she taught History of International Relations (a.a. 2019 -20) and History of European Integration (a.a. 2019-20) at the University of Milan. Dr. Cerami is a member of the Società italiana di Storia Internazionale (SISI) and University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES). Her main research areas and publication focus on Cold War History, Turkish Foreign Policy, Turkey and CEE/EU, History of European Integration, Soft Power, Open Society, Civil Resistance in the Post-Cold War Era.

The book is available on mondadoristore.it


Read the interview with the author on Letture.org (in Italian)
